Friday, February 22, 2008

Feb. 22

Kasey was pretty good the last couple of visits, he had a few time outs for throwing things, but otherwise he's a pretty good kid. He likes to copy dad a lot, Scott blows on the car to make it go faster and then Kasey blows on the car to make it go faster. It's pretty cute. Last night it was about 140 degrees in the room we were in. All week long he has been dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, and last night they put him in a sweater and pants and put us in the sauna.
We have been teaching him English terms for anything that we see, nose, eyes, fingers, shoes, butt.
He pretty much has that stuff down. We brought a children's picture book with us and he can point out a lot of the pictures using English. He hasn't been able to go outside yet, he has had a cold all week. We can't wait to go outside with him. Being stuck in the orphanage gets pretty old.
We have been eating a lot of soups lately. A lot. We can't wait to go to Kiev next week so we can eat out. I'll let you know what we have for lunch and dinner tonight, but I'm pretty sure we are having soup. :)


Anonymous said...

It is so good to here Kasey is coming along already with english. How is the weather for there? Cold here! Last night I went to Walmart and The Cars theme popped out at me everywhere! It will be fun to shop for Kasey for his homecoming shower! I really like soup, I guess I should consider coming over there!! I can't wait to here more about your adventure. The prayers are continuing.

Kim Halbert

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, Sounds like things are making good progress. Has Scott taught him how to say Chevy yet? Maybe you should bring some pizza back to the appt. so that you can share with you hosts. Maybe they don't know there are other things to eat besides soup. Can't wait to see and meet Casey, you guys are doing a great job easing him into a new life.... NICE

Anonymous said...

Scott you have to teach him what a tractor is expecially a CASE. Sounds like the language barrier is slowing getting better. Mabe yous should learn his language. Hope everything else is goin o k except for the pizza issue. Loveya Momo and Dado